Vitamin Toxicity

September 20, 2016 Admin 1

Every day 44% of Americans are taking a vitamin or dietary supplement which increases the risk of vitamin toxicity.  84% of Americans consider vitamins safe, […]


June 20, 2016 Admin 0

L-arginine, or arginine, is an amino acid, one of the 20 most common natural amino acids required by humans to function optimally.  Some qualify arginine […]


June 9, 2016 Admin 0

Antioxidants are substances, not always vitamins, that protect our cells against the effects of free radicals.  Does that sound complicated?  Let’s break it down to […]

Antioxidant Foods – Part 2

September 27, 2015 Admin 0

Broccoli is another vegetable loaded with antioxidants. It is one of the cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, cauliflower and brussel sprouts, that help to prevent […]