Tamiflu- Part 2

In January 2010, the news media reported that a 19-year-old woman became blind after taking the medication, and reportedly did not have the flu. She was advised to take the medication by the National Health Services in Great Britain and within 72 hours was in the hospital on life support. She suffered from Stevens Johnson syndrome and toxic epidural necrolysis. Doctors have told her it could take up to two years for her to recover and they aren’t sure that her eyesight will return. (6)


Patients who take the medication also report side effects such as hallucinations, hot flashes, dry mouth, nausea, stomach pain, dizziness, fast heartbeat, loss of memory, delirium, strange dreams, night sweats, lack of appetite, cold sweats, shaking, buzzing in the body, anxiety, numbness and tingling in the hands, arms and feet and an extreme lack of energy. In fact, some individuals report that the side effects from the medication are worse than the disease is supposed to treat.

The manufacturer reports that the medication is only supposed to help an individual decrease the amount of time they are suffering symptoms by 24 hours. In these cases, it may be better to wait out the flu virus symptoms, providing the individual with good care, than it would be to take the medication and potentially experience side effects which are worse than the illness itself.


(1) Center for Disease Control and Prevention: 2011-2012 Influenza Antiviral Medications


(2) PubMed Health: Oseltamivir


(3) British Medical Journal Group Blog: Helen Macdonald on Side Effects, Tamiflu and the Swine Flu Hotline


(4) The Guardian: Don’t Give Tamiflu or Relenza to Under-12s, Warns Researchers


(5) Drugs.com: Tamiflu


(6) Health Freedom Alliance: Girl, 19, Lft Battling Blindness After Taking Tamiflu


(7) NHS Choices: Tamiflu Side Effects in Children


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