Things That Rob Your Time – Part 1

images (44)Time robbers are every where. If we aren’t careful the day is over before we realize it has begun. For some of us, just the act of getting up and getting all of the kids ready for school can be a harrowing experience leaving us completely drained. For others getting the kids out the door is just the tip of the iceberg. Once everyone is gone it’s time to head out to the office yourself.

Whatever your circumstances there are things in your life and your daily activities that will rob you of the precious minutes we have to spend each day. We are all faced with the same challenges at work, at home and in our relationships that seemed to drive us crazy and keep us from completing the tasks we want to do.

One of the biggest time robbers is a lack of organizational structure and time management. In other words, we started out at the beginning of the day with a laundry list of things to complete and by the time we get to the end of the day we realize we’ve checked off only one, and maybe two items.




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