Time Management Tools – Part 2

images (49)Another incredibly important tool is to actually open the planner. While new calendars hold great promise for a successful future they do no good if they are left closed in the drawer of your desk. So, open the planner every day. If you write down the things you want to accomplish with a specific and realistic deadline and open the planner every day you will be well on your way to increasing your productivity.

Develop time schedules that match your biorhythms. In other words, if you are most creative in the morning then that is when you should be writing or doing your creative work. Then the afternoon can be used for meetings or mundane task work. Your time schedule should be built around your own personal preferences and not those of an expert out of a book. Use a time log to notice when you are at your highest energy level and most productive in order to appropriately use your time.

Spending time searching for information can be time consuming and totally wreck your afternoon.




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