Tips for Paleo Lifestyle – Part 1

The Paleo Diet and lifestyle require the use to eat foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. Grass fed meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds are the mainstay of the diet plan. Many paleolithic eaters will steer clear of milk and definitely put sugar, processed foods and sweets on the no-no list.

Starting a nutritional plan like this one can present a few challenges, especially if you were used to shopping in the center of the store and not around the perimeter where the dairy, eggs, meats and produce are kept. Let’s take a look at some tips to help you get started living a more natural and healthier lifestyle.

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1. The world won’t come to an end if you slip or ‘cheat’! You have made the decision to eat a more healthy diet but if you slip up, don’t chuck the whole thing and go back to the way you were eating before. You slipped, every one will. Now get back on that horse and try again!

2. Start slow and keep moving forward. You might be the type of person that goes cold turkey or you might want to phase this diet in slowly. Eliminate the no-no foods one a time from your diet. You could stop buying one each week to get used to not eating them and stave off a really bad week of no processed foods.

3. Keep things simple, especially at first. Cooking a gourmet meal on the Paleo plan will require a few different ingredients and potentially a different skill set in the kitchen. Instead, start out by keeping the meals simple, with a meat, vegetables, some fruit and a healthy fat. Move into the gourmet meals as you get used the grocery shopping and meal preparation.

4. Get support! Don’t try to change your entire nutritional plan on your own. Find other people, whether friends or online support groups, where you can exchange ideas and talk out challenges.


Chriskresser: 6 Tips for Successful Weight Loss on a Paleo Diet

Brooklyn Paleo: 10 Tips for Going Paleo

Ultimate Paleo Guide: 56 Tips to Starting the Paleo Diet

Paleo nonPaleo: 46 Paleo Tips Anyone Can do

CNN: Paleo Diet Ranks Last on ‘best diets’ list

US NEws: How to follow the paleo diet on a budget

CrossFit: Paleo in Six Easy steps

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