Using Hoodia to Lose Weight – Part 1

images (5)Hoodia is a weight loss supplement that is new to North America and the weight loss industry. It is another over the counter supplement sold to make the journey to thinness theoretically easier and painless.

Hoodia Gordonii was discovered in 1937 by a Dutch anthropologist. He found that African Bushman used the flowering plant to suppress their appetite and thirst, when they were traveling across the desert.

South African scientists, working with Phytopharm, a British pharmaceutical company, isolated the active ingredient – P57 in 1995. Then in 1998 Pfizer spent $21 million to sub-license the patent from Phytopharm. After some initial research Pfizer returned the license. (1) Then, in 2010 Phytopharm also let the patent lease expire. (2)

Hoodia weight loss supplements must contain the P57 from the Hoodia Gordonii plant to be advertised as Hoodia. There are over 13 different Hoodia plants and only one has been found to have the active ingredient that causes the appetite and thirst suppression.

Hoodia weight loss supplements work on the central nervous system to trick the body into thinking it’s full and avoid the nagging feelings of hunger. It also tricks the body into losing the trigger for thirst which can potentially cause problems with dehydration, especially on hot summer days.

People with diabetes should be careful using the supplement since it tricks the body into thinking that there is sufficient blood sugar. Without an adequate feedback mechanism, people suffering from diabetes can suffer dangerously low blood sugar drops that can lead to death if not treated immediately.


(1) Rebirth Africa: From Hoodia Gordonii to P57

(2) Phytopharm CEO Insists Hoodia Still “Interesting” Despite Patent Disposal

(3) Natural News: Hoodia Gornonii is No Miracle Weight Loss Pill, Health Investigation Reveals

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