Vegetarian Weight Loss – Part 1

chubObesity is a growing problem. Two thirds of Americans are overweight. More and more people are searching for natural weight loss options and vegetarian weight loss programs fit that bill.

The commercial market is overflowing with a large number of diet supplements and weight loss options. But natural options are the safest way to shed pounds. Dieticians and nutritionists recommend natural weight loss diets to people who are health conscious. This is because natural options do not advocate the use of chemicals or supplements to speed metabolism or reduce your appetite. They rely on natural products, such as fiber, to do the same things.

People who follow a diet of raw fruits and vegetables for weight loss are less prone to heart disease, stroke and cancer. Vegetarian weight loss programs can be structured using a point system so that vegetables are a “0”, fruits are between 1-3 points and nuts and seeds rank higher because they are higher in calories and fats.

The desire for a lean healthy body must include regular intake of water, the right foods and regular exercise. Like in any other program large helpings of high-fat protein sources such as peanut butter, nuts and cheese can cause vegetarians to gain weight.

Instead of using peanut butter or nuts as snacks, use whole grain snacks, fruit and vegetables during the day. Using a vegetarian weight loss program does not ensure automatic weight loss. Keep a written record of everything you eat during the day to keep a handle on your eating habits. Keep watch on everything that isn’t raw fruit and vegetables.


MayoClinic: Vegetarian Diet

Weight Loss Resources: Suggested Vegetarian Weight Loss Meal Plan

Women’s Health Magazine: Will Going Vegetarian Really Help Me Lose Weight

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine: A Guide to Healthy Weight Loss

Holistic Holiday: Becoming a Vegetarian to Lose Weight

Prevention: Why Vegetarians Are Thinner Than You

FitDay: Do Vegetarian Diets Promote Weight Loss


  • The Vegetarian Formula – Proven 8 Week Program
  • 1000 Vegetarian Recipes
  • Organic Gardening Secrets

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