Walking For Health – Part 1

images (85)Your health is the most important thing in your life. Think about it . . . without your health you can’t enjoy any money you make, any relationships you form, any foods you eat, any job you do, any business you start. In fact, without good health, it’s difficult to fully enjoy just about anything.

Maybe your doctor has been encouraging you to get some exercise or maybe you just feel it’s time to get moving. In either case, walking is probably the best exercise you can start with. And, in many cases, it can be the only exercise you’ll have to do for the rest of your life.

Walking is so incredibly flexible and varied because you have the choice of a range of speeds from strolling to race walking, each of which has a different set of benefits and each of which can be done without any expensive equipment. With just a few minutes every day you can improve your overall health, improve your cardiovascular health and lose those extra pounds.

Before starting any exercise program it’s important to talk with your doctor to be sure that you are healthy enough to start a program and that it won’t interfere with any of your current medical conditions or medicines you may be taking.

Walking to improve your health gives you the opportunity to enjoy bright sunshine days or walk on a treadmill and watch your favorite television show. Walking increases the blood flow through your body and the rate at which you use oxygen. Both of these factors will also increase your productivity and creativity.


(1) MayoClinic: Walking: Trim your Waistline, Improve Your health


(2) National Runners Health Study and national Walkers’ Health Study



MayoClnic: Get Walking with this 12-week Walking Schedule


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: More People Walk to Better Health


Walking for Health


Runners World: If You are Walking for Health, Be Brisk


NSH: Walking for Health


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