Weight Loss Plans – Part 1

images (8)Obesity is an ever-increasing problem. Judging by the number of weight loss plans and options people use to constantly try to lose weight, it is also a growing market. But losing weight can feel overwhelming.

Losing weight is not as complicated as you might think. It’s not that it isn’t difficult, because for many people it is difficult. But it is simple. First you must choose a weight loss plan. It must fit your lifestyle, body type and you must be willing and able to make the necessary changes in your life.

Not every weight loss plan works for everyone. The differences are in the genetic make up of the person, their metabolism and exercise habits. Although the basic tenet of weight loss works for all people, the amount of weight loss over a specific amount of time will not be equal.

The basic way that weight loss plans work is to eat fewer calories than your body burns each day. It’s a simple concept. The execution is complicated and thus the reason for so many weight loss options you have to choose from.

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When you are looking for a plan that fits your needs there are four important factors to evaluate. The first thing to consider is if the plan is something you can maintain for the rest of your life. This isn’t a ‘diet’ that is associated with deprivation and fatigue, but a lifestyle change that leads to a healthier, thinner more energized you.

Look at the plan and evaluate the eating requirements. Does it include foods that you can manage to purchase, prepare, eat and store? If the weight loss plan includes sea food three times a week and you live in the middle of the mountains, the cost of food will probably soon get prohibitive.

Does the weight loss plan have a proven history? Don’t follow the latest craze or because it worked for someone else you know. You would never divorce your husband because after her divorce your neighbor lost 30 pounds – why would you follow the diet plans of friends or neighbors if your goals, body type and lifestyles are different?

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