Weight Loss Vitamin

images (19)Weight loss is a struggle that impacts many people’s lives and is a billion dollar business.  Just take a look around the pharmacy the next time.   There are shelves of supplements, weight loss pills, energy bars, meal replacement bars and other additives to your diet that reportedly help you to shed those unwanted pounds.

One category of supplement that hasn’t gone unnoticed is the weight loss vitamin.   All of our bodily functions work better with an optimum intake of vitamins and water.  All play an important part in running an efficient body.  Some vitamins and minerals actually work synergistically, or they depend upon each other to work.  Without one the other doesn’t work as well.

There really isn’t one weight loss vitamin that is “best” but there are some that are worthy of special mention for the role they play in weight loss.  Some of the most important weight loss vitamins are the B-complex vitamins.  They are also the ones that leave quickly from your body when you are under stress.

B2 or Riboflavin, is needed for thyroid function and metabolism to function properly.  Good sources of Vitamin B2 are milk, liver, kidney, almonds, hard cheeses, eggs, and green leafy vegetables.

AppleTapeMeasureVitamin B3, Niacin, is required for thyroid function and is part of the glucose tolerance factor released each time your blood sugar rises.  Vitamin B3 is found in wheat bran, liver, tuna, turkey, chicken, meat, eggs, salmon, barley, dried fruit and brown rice.

Another of the weight loss vitamins is Vitamin B5, Pantothenic Acid.  Research has found that a deficiency in Pantothenic Acid will interfere with the body’s ability to use fat and it is important in the role of energy production.  Good sources of Vitamin B5 is liver, kidney, eggs, molasses, beans, vegetables, poultry and nuts.

The last of the Vitamin B-complex vitamins is B6, Pyridoxine, which regulates the production of thyroid hormone and the body’s metabolism.  Good sources include wheat germ, eggs, sardines, poultry, avocado, bananas, brown rice and dried fruit.

Other weight loss vitamins that play a part in weight loss are Vitamin C, Chromium, Zinc and Co-enzyme Q10.

In other words you need a well balanced diet; the same diet your mother insisted you eat all those years ago.  Without a well balanced diet you should consider a vitamin and mineral supplement to make up the deficit.

While there is no magic weight loss vitamin there are vitamins that will negatively impact your ability to lose weight if you have a deficiency.  Weight loss happens with a negative calorie balance.  Your ability to burn more than you take in is impacted by your metabolic rate.  A vitamin deficiency in the B-complex vitamins will slow your metabolism even more.  Watch your food intake, increase your exercise and be sure you take your vitamins.  You’ll be slimmer, trimmer and maintain that weight for life.


Women’s Health: 7 Supplements that Melt Fat


MayoClinic: Are Vitamin B12 Injections Helpful for Weight Loss


Medical News Today: Link Between Successful Weight Loss and Vitamin D Levels


Natural News: The Best Vitamins in Weight Loss


Shape: Ask the Diet Doctor: Vitamin D and Weight Loss


Christian Broadcasting Network: To B or not to B Vitamins


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