Kettlebell Leg Workout – Part 1

download (1)The kettlebell was originally used by Russian farmers for measuring the weight of their crops. Today the kettlebell is a trending weight and cardiovascular fitness option that will build overall body strength and endurance as well as build cardiovascular strength. The kettlebell can be adapted to build a strong upper body, core or legs. And, when done with proper form and technique is safe and effective.

However, when the athlete becomes fatigued it’s easy to lose proper form and increase the risk for injury to your shoulders, head, lower back and legs. Beginners should also have a couple hours of training with a trainer familiar with the use of the equipment and the body positioning necessary to reduce injury.

While it seems easier to use the kettlebell to improve strength and coordination of muscle groups in the arms, shoulders and core, the kettlebell can also be used to improve the strength of your legs. The benefit of using the kettlebell for your lower legs is that at the same time you’ll get a workout for your abs and shoulders too. Here are a couple of those exercises to get you started building strong legs and improving your endurance.


Stack: 2 Kettlebell Leg Exercises for a Powerful Lower Body

Greatist: 22 Kick-Ass Kettlebell Exercises

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