Soccer Weight Training Workout – Part 2

While it is true that upper weight training is not as important to the game as lower muscle workouts, it is still important to work out the upper body to improve overall performance and stamina. It is advised to do a lower body workout one day, with one day off in between, and an upper body workout the next day, with another day off, and so forth during the training program.

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One of the most effective exercises for the lower body is performing squats with a weight. Lift the weight with your legs about shoulder width apart, with the weight resting on the back of your shoulders. Then lower your body into a squatting position, then rise back up slowly to a standing position. It is recommended to start with a weight that you can comfortably lift, and do 20 squats per session. Take a 5 minute break between sessions, and repeat each session 2 more times.

That is just one of the weight strengthening exercises that work on the lower body. If you are starting a soccer weight training workout, it is important to consult a professional who can design a training program that will be tailored to your specific needs, and which can help to improve your overall performance and soccer playing abilities.


FitDay: 4 Soccer Strength Training Exercises to Build Muscle Training Like a Pro

New Mexico Youth Soccer US Youth Soccer: Soccer Weight Training

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Active: 20 Minute Strength Training Workout

GymProfessor: Strength Training Gym Workout for Soccer/Football

One REsult: 5 Reasons Soccer Players Should Lift Weights

  • Bags, Bells, and Body Weight Training System
  • Gains in Full Body Strength and Muscle
  • Increases in Stamina, All-Day Energy, and Vigor
  • Shredded Body Fat for a Lean and Athletic Physic
  • Improved Confidence, Mental Toughness, and Focus

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