Yoga Weight Loss

yogaYoga is a Hindu discipline that includes both spiritual aspects and physical movement. Over the last couple of decades, the breathing control, body postures and simple meditation have been incorporated into Western civilization in an attempt to improve health and increase the ability of the practitioner to relax.

Interestingly, it is high levels of stress that release the hormone cortisol into the body which increases the amount of visceral (belly) fat that is developed. This visceral fat is active metabolically and is thought to trigger insulin resistance and diabetes.

So, an ability to relax and let go of stress is one way that Yoga can help to improve your weight loss efforts and, at the same time, reduce your overall stress levels.

There are several levels of Yoga that can be practiced, each with its own focus on breathing, postures and meditation, as well as goals that the practitioner attempts to achieve. Unlike other forms of physical fitness, Yoga is a combination of both body postures and breath control. It stresses the connection between the mind, body and breathing to direct your attention to your inner thoughts.

silhouetteThis inward thinking is supposed to help you identify and learn your habitual thought patterns without judgment and increase your awareness. This is what makes Yoga a practice and not a task, like weight lifting or running. Although it is practiced by Hindus it is not a religion of itself, but rather a philosophy of spiritual growth and mastery over your physical body and mental thoughts.

Over the last decades, Westerners have discovered that these body postures with breathing control can also burn a significant number of calories and requires a degree of strength, coordination and flexibility – all of which can be accomplished with patience and training.

Although Yoga doesn’t have the calorie burning potential of another more intense cardiovascular exercise, it does help your body to build lean muscle which continues to burn calories well after you have completed your program.  The additional benefit is that you become more aware of your body limitations and abilities which is often a motivating factor in your weight loss efforts.

Yoga will also help you to relax and learn relaxation techniques you can use at the office or when you are tempted to eat that last bite on your plate, order the dessert or pick up a donut at 2 in the afternoon.


MayoClinic: Can Yoga Help Me Lose Weight

Fitness Magazine: Blast 500 Calories Doing Yoga

Yoga Journal: Yoga Questions Answered

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