Aptitude Testing – Part 2

images (1)Another reason to take an aptitude test and learn about your strengths and abilities is to be able to showcase them to your best advantage. For instance, if you have an intense desire to become a police officer it would be in your best interest to play into the strengths and aptitudes that make this particular career choice the best one for you.

Simply put, aptitudes are natural talents or special abilities to do certain types of things. Some individuals have aptitudes for manual dexterity, musical ability, spatial visualization or memorization of numbers. By going through a battery of specific tests your particular aptitudes are measured and you are best able to determine your field of study in school, a career or professional choice or even the likelihood that you are compatible in a specific relationship.

Some professional industries use aptitude testing on all of their employees. For instance, individuals who are interested in becoming involved with certain aspects of the military, homeland security or the space program will be placed through a battery of tests in order to determine the likelihood of success. Other large corporate agencies are also using this method in order to evaluate an employee’s likelihood for leadership and ability to perform under pressure. Most large corporations are combining this information with that they have gleaned through working with the individual and other psychological testing in order to make their determinations.


(1) Education.com: Aptitude Testing


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