Benefits Of The Paleo Diet – Part 2

benIn a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that eating a paleolithic type diet would also reduce blood pressure measurements. High blood pressure is a condition that affects all your small blood vessels and will damage them – including small vessels in the kidneys, heart and peripheral vascular disease. (1)

Other studies have shown that eating a Paleo type diet will also experience lower subcutaneous fat, lower C-reactive protein levels, lower blood pressure and greater sensitivity to insulin. (2) Most people are happier with less subcutaneous fat and weight loss. C-reactive proteins are responsible for increasing your risk for rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, vasculitis and other inflammatory diseases. Doctors will test for C-reactive proteins to determine if their anti-inflammatory medicines are working.

The Paleo Diet has come under attack from some reporters in the general news but the information has been refuted by Dr. Loren Cordain, the researcher who has popularized the Paleo Diet with his research and books. (3)

Eating this diet will also help to reduce the toxic load in your body and many find that their response to allergens is reduced. Often times this is because of the reduced gluten load in the body which will increase the response to allergies.


(1) European Journal of Clinical Nutrition: Metabolic and Physiologic Improvements from Consuming a Paleolithic Hunter-Gatherer Type Diet

(2) Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology: The Beneficial Effects of a Paleolithic Diet on Type 2 diabetes and Other Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease

(3) Facebook: Dr. Cordain’s Rebuttal to U.S. News and World Report top 20 Diets


University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine: Pros and cons of the Paleo Diet

MedlinePlus: C-Reactive Protein

Mercola: Feast Like a Cavemand and Watch the Pounds Melt Away

Huffington Post: 6 Health Lessons From the Paleo Diet

CNN: Paleo Diet Ranks Last on “best diets” list

Scientific American: How to really Eat Like a Hunter-Gatherer


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