Colon Health

download (6)Many people suffer from ill colon health and are not even aware of it.  A sign of good colon health lies in the stool that is excreted from your body.  An indication of general good stool patterns is the ability to excrete two or three stools that are formed each day.  This first stool and the lengthiest should come in the morning, with a stool half of that size later on this same day.  There should be no straining of the stool involved, but it should be expelled without any effort whatsoever.  

Cancer of the colon is among the leading cancers in both sexes.  When you are constipated there is a build up of stool in the colon.  This is not healthy.  This constipation problem can cause a numerous variety of health problems, including a colon that suffers from inflammation.  This build up of stool inside the colon walls will create a decaying effect and continue to cause toxin build up, which affects the other tissues and organs of the body, as it travels throughout the bloodstream.  This in turn affects the whole body.

When the intestines become inflamed from constipated stool, the intestinal walls can leak bacteria and viruses into the bloodstream.  These bacteria can lead to chronic illnesses in the body, without growing out a full-blown septic situation in which the bacteria grows unchecked in the blood.  

download (7)So how do you maintain good colon health?  The most effective way to maintain good colon health is to consume a healthy diet that is rich in nutrients, including fiber, grains, fruits, and vegetables.  You can also add bran that is not processed.  This fiber intake will help to keep a person from becoming constipated.  Men should try to aim for 38 grams of fiber each day.  Women should attempt to eat 25 grams of fiber each day.  

This number is based on ages younger than 50 years.  If you are over the age of 50, men should strive for 30 grams of fiber every day and women should get 21 grams of fiber each day.  You must also have an adequate amount of fluid intake daily including eight glasses of water.  This is also important in keeping the stool from becoming too dry.  Exercising regularly, approximately 3 to 4 times a week for at least 30 minutes is very important.  This will keep your muscles strong.  

Do not get started on laxatives or you will put yourself in jeopardy of relying on them more often.  Never ignore your need to have a bowel movement.  Attempting to hold it in is not a good practice to get in to.  If you feel that you are constipated, try either drinking prune juice or eating prunes before reaching for any type of medication, even over-the-counter types. Increase the amount of fiber you eat during the day, even just adding an apple each day, and increase the amount of water you are drinking.  Give yourself time each day to have a bowel movement.  If you have not been regular in your bowel movements you are probably going to need the extra time so you do not feel stressed out over it.  

If you have any problems with constipation see your physician to rule out any underlying medical conditions.  Otherwise, he or she can offer suggestions and provide further patient teaching on good colon health.  


Michigan Bowel Control Program: Constipation

MedlinePlus: Colon Cancer

American Cancer Society: Colorectal Cancer Overview

MayoClinic: Dietary Fiber

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