Cure for Diabetes – Part 1

images (1)Is a cure for diabetes mellitus now a reality?

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that affects over 17 million people in the United States alone. The condition creates complications that range from blindness to kidney failure and cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Researchers, scammers, holistic medicine physicians and well meaning doctors have all claimed to find a cure for diabetes at one time or another. The reality is that with good lifestyle choices, nutritional intake and exercise most people who experience pre-diabetic symptoms may go through the rest of their lives without ever suffering diabetes. However, many who have Type 2 diabetes are not able to make the necessary changes and choices that negate their life-long poor choices.

Those who suffer from Type 1 diabetes experience the condition because the cells that produce insulin have completely shut down. Some theorize that the lack of insulin production is a result of an immune response in the body to an environmental trigger, such as a toxin or virus. However, no definitive cause for Type-1 diabetes has been identified.d2

Finding a cure for diabetes requires that the cure also addresses the reason behind the diabetes. So, the jury is now out on whether some of the promising research has indeed found a cure. A cure would mean less of a financial burden on both families and insurance companies as well as better health for millions of Americans and people around the world.

Sixty five percent of people with Type 2 diabetes do not understand their blood test readings and do not know what having their blood sugar under control really means to their long-term health. For some, they believe that once their sugar is ‘under control’ they have achieved a cure and no longer require medication, lifestyle changes, or changes to their nutritional intake.


(1) National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse: Pancreatic Islet Transplantation

(2)University of IL at Chicago: Promising Advances in Islet Cell Transplants for Diabetes


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