Diabetes Insipidus – Part 1

images (6)Diabetes is the medical term that describes a physical condition in which the body is unable to fully utilize insulin or doesn’t make enough insulin. But, there is another form of diabetes that doesn’t involve glucose. This is called Diabetes Insipidus. This particular form of diabetes isn’t as well publicized as Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Insipidus is a metabolic disorder, as is diabetes mellitus, but this is where the similarities end. (1)

One of the primary characteristics of Diabetes Insipidus is the large amount of urine that is excreted daily that is diluted. This means that the urine is mostly water and doesn’t contain enough waste products. People who suffer from Diabetes Insipidus have kidneys that have lost their ability to concentrate urine and return the water to the body to prevent dehydration.

Diabetes Insipidus is also called DI. Those who suffer from DI also have a lack of anti-diuretic hormone that controls the concentration of the urine. The way in which individuals lose the ability to concentrate urine can happen in four different ways.

Each of the four types of DI must be treated differently. The most common cause of DI is the result of a lack of vasopressin. This is a hormone that is produced by the back portion of the pituitary gland. This is often referred to as posterior DI, central DI or neurogenic DI. This portion of the pituitary gland can be destroyed by a variety of conditions that range from tumors, head injuries or brain infections. It is a diagnosis that physicians watch for after each of these other underlying medical conditions. (2,3)

The goal of treatment for each of the different types of DI is to first prevent dehydration. Then the physicians must look for the reason behind the destruction of the pituitary gland so those reasons can also be addressed prior to another problems arising. In the case of head injury, physicians are aware of the causative factors. However, without a head injury they must then investigate the possibility of pituitary tumor or subclinical brain infection.

Approximately 50% of the time the causative factors behind the diagnosis of DI isn’t found. When the reason can’t be identified it is called idiopathic. And, although DI is a permanent condition that affects the rest of an individual’s life, there are a variety of drugs, namely DDAVP, which can control the symptoms.

On occasion there is damage done to the pituitary gland during pregnancy that results in the symptoms of DI during the pregnancy but resolves approximately 4-6 weeks after the baby is born. Another reason that DI can occur during pregnancy is because the placenta metabolizes the hormone too quickly before the mother’s kidneys can use it to concentrate her urine


(1) National Kidney and Urologic Disease Information clearinghouse: Diabetes Insipidus


(2) Critical Care Nurse: Central Neurogenic Diabetes Insipidus Syndrome of Inappropriate Secretion of Antidiuretic Hormone and Cerebral Salt-wasting Syndrome in Traumatic Brain Injury


(3) Office of Rare Disease Research: Neurogenic Diabetes Insipidus


(4) Oxford Journals: Vasopressin Secretion in Primary polydipsia and Cranial Diabetes Insipidus


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