Dressing For Your Body Type – Part 1

WomanSilDo you walk into a store and get depressed when you see row after row of dresses, and outfits which never seem to work for your body type? Shopping for a new wardrobe, or even just a new piece for your wardrobe, can be a real challenge when you perceive yourself to be bothered by bigger hips, flabby arms or a large chest.

It is not time to give up! Believe it or not dress manufacturers do not produce items only for Miss Twiggy. According to today’s fashion styles perfection is a female who is moderately tall with a body that is balanced vertically and has an hourglass figure. For males the current ideal is a balanced body with broad shoulders, chest and tapered to a medium waist and hips. Approximately 2% of the population has this perfect figure, so the goal of dressing is to create the illusion of the perfect body and the perfect proportions.

By choosing clothing that accentuates your strengths and minimizes your weaknesses many men and women are able to create the illusion of a longer, leaner body. The objective is to dress in a manner that makes you feel best about yourself which encourages feelings of self-confidence and power. Once you understand your current shape you are able to accurately choose clothing which will make you look your best.

For this reason all the clothing must be customized to the individual. However, it can be painful to stare at yourself in the mirror and decide where your flaws really lie and what type of clothing would be best for you. This is a necessary step and you should remember that no one has a “perfect” body. Your body shape has nothing to do with your size but rather to do with your proportions. These proportions have to do with where the majority of your weight is carried on your body.

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