Green Tea Weight Loss Polyphenols

images (12)Losing weight and maintaining weight are two primary goals of most health conscious people. Research supports the increased risk to health from obesity and points to several diseases which obesity can trigger, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease.

But how we lose weight or maintain it can be as different from night and day from person to person. There are those who advocate the use no carbohydrates in the diet, high carbohydrates (of the vegetable and fruit variety), low calorie, high protein, balanced meals, balanced calories, dietary supplements . . . and the list goes on.

There is one dietary addition that most physicians and nutritionists agree on, and that is green tea. This tea is made from the leaves of the camellia sinensis plant.  Although black tea was more popular in the West, the health benefits of green tea is boosting the popularity past that of black tea.

Although research continues to be ongoing, there are positive indications that green tea contains powerful antioxidants, lowers your risk of specific types of cancer, lowers the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases, kills oral bacteria, and may lower the risk of Type II Diabetes.

However, the function of green tea that interests most people is through the action of polyphenols. More specifically catechin polyphenols. Polyphenols are compounds which consist of large multiples of phenol structural units. They are a micronutrient in our diet and play a role in the prevention of degenerative diseases like cancer and cardiovascular disease.

images (13)In a study published in the American Society for Clinical Nutrition, researchers concluded that green tea had properties that promoted the oxidation or burning of fat in the human body beyond the normal amount of oxidation found with compounds containing caffeine. They believe that using an extract of green tea may play a positive role in controlling body weight and activating fat burning. (1) Another study published in the same journal but from different scientists found the same results. (2)

Using herbs has been an approach taken over centuries to improve health and lose weigh. However, they are not inactive substances but are active in the body. They can trigger side effects or interact with other medications you are taking. If you have problems with high blood pressure, kidney problems, liver issues, stomach ulcers or suffer from anxiety you should steer clear of green tea.

Check with your medical physician to determine if green tea will interact with any underlying medical condition before adding extract to your daily regimen. Check with your pharmacist to determine if there will be other interactions with the medication you are taking. If you are taking medications such as adenosine, beta-lactam, benzodiazepines, beta-blockers, blood thinners, chemotherapy, clozapine, ephedrine, lithium, birth control, quinolone antibiotics or MAOIs you should not take green tea extracts.

Although the use of green tea doesn’t work with the speed of other weight loss pills, it will help you lose weight without compromising your health. And, truth be told, if you lose the weight but also lose your health, you will have nothing in the end. How can you enjoy your new slimmer body if you are sick, on medication to control diseases or spend your days in the hospital?


(1) The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: Efficacy of Green Tea Extract Rich in Catechin Polyphenols and Caffeine in Increasing 24-hour Energy Expenditure and Fat Oxidation in Humans

(2) American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: Catechin- and Caffeine-Rich Teas for Control of Body Weight in Humans


University of Maryland Medical Center: Green Tea

FitDay: Uncovering the Truth

Wellness Resources: Green Tea Polyphenols Enhance Protein Metabolism, Reduce Tumors

Men’s Fitness: Green Tea

Health Psychology Vanderbilt University: Green Tea

PRNewswire: New research shows tea may help promote weight loss, improve heart health and slow progression of prostate cancer

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: Polyphenols: Food Sources and Bioavailability

Authority Nutrition: Top 10 Evidence Based Health Benefits of Green Tea

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