Health Benefits of Walking

walkThere are a number of different physical activities that you can do to improve your overall health, improve your cardiovascular fitness and improve your mood. But walking has some significant benefits over rowing, elliptical trainers, running, tennis and the myriad of other exercises.

In the first place, it’s practically free. You’ll need comfortable and supportive shoes and some comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing and you’ll be set to go. Walking has the lowest dropout rate of any of the other programs that you could try and it’s the simplest change you can make to your lifestyle that will effectively make positive changes to your health.

Walking also has some significant health benefits – some of which are very visible and others of which you’ll appreciate over time. Here are my top ten favorite health benefits to walking.

  1. Walking will help to reduce fat and help you to burn calories over time. It won’t happen as quickly as with other exercises that burn calories more quickly with intense exercise, but walking has the lowest dropout rate, so you are more likely to stick with it and reap the benefits over time.
  1. Walking helps to reduce stress and elevate your mood. It’s very difficult to come in from a 30 minute walk angry and aggravated. More likely that you’ll come up with a creative solution to your problem and come home energized!
  1. It reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  1. Tight and firm buttocks. Did you know that sitting for long periods of time can heavily contribute to middle age gluteal spread, even before middle age? When you are walking, check to be sure that your gluteal muscles are engaging. Place your hand over each glute (buttock) and be sure you feel the muscle activating and working as you are walking. Probably shouldn’t be done in public!
  1. Walking is a weight bearing exercise. Weight bearing exercises will improve your bone density and reduce your risk of osteoporosis.
  1. Walking helps to improve muscle strength and balance which will reduce the risk of falls, especially in the elderly.
  1. It reduces your overall risk of mortality (death). In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1998, researchers found that retired men who walked less than 1 mile per day had mortality rates twice that of men who walked more than 2 miles per day.
  1. It’s easy to find groups of people who get together daily and weekly to walk. Walking with a partner will increase your socialization and improve your overall enjoyment of the activity.
  1. Walking helps to stabilize your glycemic control. In other words, it helps to stabilize blood sugar, whether you are a diabetic or not. Stabilizing blood sugar will help to reduce your cravings and feeling of hunger and help you to lose weight.
  1. Being active has a protective effect on the brain. This can help to reduce the risk of dementia.


Start Walking Now: The Benefits of Walking

TESCO Living: Top 10 Health Benefits of Walking Everyday

Marks Daily Apple: 17 Reasons to Walk More this Year

New York Times: Why A Brisk Walk is Better

Better Health: Waking for Good Health

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center: Walking is Good for Your Heart

Harvard Medical School: Walking Your Steps to Health

Harvard: Research Points to Even More Health Benefits of Walking

Center for Disease Control and Prevention: More People Walk to Better Health

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