Herbal Detox

download (5)To flush out your bodily system and remove any impurities or toxins from your body is known as detoxification or detox.  After detoxifying the body you will have a healthier immune system that is cleared from any toxins that can slow down any processes the body has to go through in order to function efficiently.  One way in which you are able to detoxify your body system is by using herbal remedies.

Some herbal detox remedies would include:

Milk thistle:  Your liver is in an extremely important organ when it comes to detoxification.  To improve the way that your liver functions you might want to try some milk thistle.  Milk thistle is helpful in the stimulation of protein synthesis.  It is an all-natural antioxidant and helps to protect the liver itself.  It is successful in the detoxification process of many contaminated sources, such as chemical, alcohol, and drugs.  

Dandelion root:  Also known as taraxacum officinale, this root will help to clean and eliminate the waste from the gallbladder and the liver.  It will also strengthen the liver.  Kidneys, as well, are helped by dandelion root.  

Psyllium seed:  This herb acts as a laxative as it is a mucilaginous fiber.  It is helpful in treating several bowel disorders as it also provides bulk to the stool.  Psyllium seed also reportedly absorbs toxins in your body through the intestinal tract.  

download (6)Burdock root:  Also known as Arctium lappa, this herb cleans the body system.  Somewhat stronger than nettle, another herb seen below, but similar burdock root, it is helpful in removing heavy metals from the body.  

Nettle:  Also known as Urtica dioica, this herbal detox helps in the way of having a diuretic effect on the body.  Very helpful in cleansing the urinary tract, nettle is a wonderful herbal detox.  

Cascara sagrada:  This laxative is also known as Rhamnus purshiana.  It can be used all by itself or in combination with other herbs, such as psyllium.  Cascara, as well, will strengthen any weak colon muscles and allow them to function more efficiently.  

An herbal detoxification program is one form of detoxification of your body.  Other detoxification programs can be done as well.  If you are contemplating detoxifying your body, research which method will best be suited for you and what part of your body system you are attempting to impact the most.

Other important measures that you can take to help to keep your body clean and free of any toxins are to exercise several times a week, wash daily, eat a healthy diet with plenty of fiber to keep your bowel movements regular, drink at least eight 8-oz glasses of water every day, and get an adequate amount of rest.

Before starting any detoxification process that uses herbal remedies, consult with your primary care physician.  Although these are herbs, they have specific end results in your body that mimic those of pharmaceutical drugs.  And herbs can interact with other medications you are taking, so before adding an herbal remedy to your body, check with your pharmacist who is well educated about how drugs and herbs interact.

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