Home Facial Masks

fThere are a variety of different facial masks that you can add to your weekly skin care regimen and a variety of different reasons you would need to add one. The mask you choose will be aimed at a specific purpose, based on your age, gender, skin type and purpose, such as hydrating, exfoliating, deep cleaning or refreshing. And, no matter what your skin type, there is a facial mask just for you.

But, some of these masks can be very expensive. Or you may have run out of your favorite mask and don’t have time to purchase more before your next weekly at-home spa date. So what can you gather from your own kitchen and home to produce the same results you get from a tube you purchase at the local salon or from your favorite online store?

First, know your skin type! If you have oily skin you’ll do best with a clay type mask; dry skin needs rehydrating; mature skin can use a bit of firming up and dull skin needs some exfoliation to boost the radiance.

oatmealOatmeal can be used for all skin types for exfoliation. Mix 1 packet of prepared oatmeal with 1 tsp honey and 1 tsp of olive oil and apply as a scrub. Or mix 1 tbsp of finely ground oatmeal (not cooked) with 1 tbsp of organic yogurt and a few drops of honey. Apply this as a mask and leave it on your face for 10 minutes. Splash it off with warm water and follow with a warm washcloth to get the remaining oatmeal off your face. You can use either of these 2 times weekly to remove the dead layer of skin and get a brighter appearance to the skin.

Sugar might be nasty for your insides but it’s great for your outside! Believe it or not, sugar also has some anti-bacterial properties outside the body. Sugar is a great exfoliant because it doesn’t tear the skin like salt and you can use oil to help moisturize at the same time. Mix a couple tablespoons of crystallized sugar with water to make a paste and rub softly over your face, avoiding the eyes. Rinse with warm water and then use a warm washcloth to clean the remainder, especially if you used olive oil in the mix.

Avocado is the ultimate food – both inside and outside your body! High in healthy fat it fills you up without filling you out. And, once they get too ripe to eat you can turn the leftovers into a face mask. Mix a whole avocado, 1 room temp egg white and 1 tsp of lemon juice well; apply immediately to your face (no eating please!) and let it dry for about 30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Soothe, moisturize and kill the topical bacteria all at once with a combination of 2 tbsp honey and 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. Apply to your face and leave it on for 20 minutes. You can do this 3 times a week to help balance the pH of your skin, kill bacteria and moisturize the skin.




Reduce the appearance of unsightly scars from:

  • Acne
  • Burns
  • Cuts, gashes and bruises
  • Surgery

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