How To Cope When Plans Fall Through – Part 2

download (9)Once you’ve identified that you are under stress it is time to choose a way to deal with the stress. Sometimes it’s possible to avoid the event, place or person that causes stress in your life. Unfortunately,this is not always possible and so you have to develop a reaction to this stress that is less harmful to the body.

For instance, there are things which you have no control over, such as the weather. And while the weather may ruin your plans for a great afternoon at the park with your children, getting stressed over something which you have no control over is not productive. Instead, you may want to prepare yourself with alternative plans.

If you know an event is coming, such as a job interview, it is best to walk into that situation as well prepared as possible in order to decrease stress. In this instance, you would practice your interview questions in front of a mirror or with the trusted friends. Preparing a top-notch résumé and going dressed for success will all help to reduce the level of your stress.

images (35)But, the best possible way to reduce stress from facing life challenges is to alter the way in which you view the challenge. This means that any change that would normally cause stress in your life could be seen as a challenge or an obstacle over which you can jump, go around or go under but not something which will stop you in your tracks. In other words, when you view life as an adventure, knowing that obstacles will pop up along the way, your outlook on these challenges will be significantly different.

Other ways to help reduce your stress is to talk with a trusted friend or family member, setting realistic goals both at home, and at work, and by participating in activities that you don’t find stressful such as sports and social events.

While these techniques may be difficult to implement, the outcome is a healthier you who has a better outlook on life and will ultimately be more productive.




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