Low Carb Diet Plan

images (5)Weight loss programs abound and you have your choice from many different models.  Once such model is the Low Carbohydrate Diet Plan made popular by Atkins, South Beach and Glycemic Index.

Dieting and weight loss are not static activities; it requires effort and commitment from the participant.  Weight isn’t gained in two days and it won’t be lost in two.  Weight loss has always been a balance between calories that are eaten and those that are burned.  Other factors that are of consideration are your age, gender, fitness level, genetic make up, stress level, amount of exercise and food that you eat.

This concept is not core to the low carb diet plan.  These plans aren’t concerned with the number of calories but rather the amount of sugar and carbohydrates you take into your body.  The diet essentially places your body into ketoacidosis, which burns more calories quickly but also has side effects that includes lower mental acuity, stress on the kidneys, feelings of being tired, increased blood pressure, high cholesterol, diarrhea and severe headaches.

Before starting a low carb diet plan you should consult with your physician to determine if your current health will withstand the stresses of the ketoacidosis.  Also under consideration are the medications you are taking and your current blood glucose tolerance.

images (8)Several things you do will help to increase your success at using a low carb diet plan.  You should always drink plenty of water, at least 8-10 8oz glasses per day but limit the amount of caffeine.  The fluids should be water; not soda, not coffee, not tea.  Take an additional vitamin and fiber supplement to make up for the nutritional deficits you may experience.

As with any weight loss plan you should include exercise and physical activity.  This is especially important using a low carb diet plan to help decrease some of the side effects.  And core to this diet plan is to monitor your sugar and carbohydrates.

When you use a low carb diet plan you can initially count on feeling cravings for the foods you can no longer eat.  To increase your chance of success you should get rid of those foods in the house.  Throw them all out.  And when you go shopping for the new foods, do NOT shop when you are hungry!

On the second day of your commitment to a low carb diet plan you’ll be making a menu for the following week.  Shop for the foods and get the recipes you need.  In other words be organized and plan for the eventual and almost certain cravings you’ll have.  Be sure there is food in the house to help you withstand the temptations.

Begin your diet at the beginning of a day and not in the middle.  Starting in the middle allows you to be tempted to go off the diet since you didn’t eat the right things for breakfast – right? Spend this day cooking and preparing foods for snacks and meals so you have quick access to foods.

One significant disadvantage to this diet is that you will increase the amount of animal protein which also decreases the absorption of calcium in your body leading to osteoporosis and bone loss.  When you are taking a vitamin supplement include a mineral and calcium supplement as well.

The low carb diet plan can help you to learn better eating habits and to start a fast weight loss.  Take your doctors advice about how long you should stay on this diet before transitioning to a healthy diet you can maintain over the coming years.


Authority Nutrition: A Low Card Diet Meal Plan and Menu that Can Save Your Life


MayoClinic: Low-Carb Diet: Can It Help You Lose Weight


EveryDiet: Low Carb Diets


Harvard Health Publications: Low Carb or Low Fat Diet


Prevention: Easiest Weight Loss Plan Ever


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