Raw Food Living – Part 1

images (33)Raw food diets are sweeping the nation as people are looking for ways to lose weight and become healthier. This lifestyle and food choice has definite advantages.

A raw food diet is a diet that is based on eating unprocessed and uncooked plant foods. This includes fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, sprouts, nuts, seeds, dried fruit and seaweed. Raw food advocates believe that heating food above 116 degrees Fahrenheit destroys the enzymes in food that help with digestion and absorption. A typical raw food diet consists of 75% raw foods.

People who believe in the raw food way of life say the diet increases energy, improves the skin’s appearance and reduces your risk of heart disease. These food choices will also help you lose weight and produce better digestion.

This all natural diet is low in sodium and high in potassium, magnesium, fiber, folate and phytochemicals. All of these nutritional elements have been associated with lowering the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. This may take some time for your body to get used to. You may have side effects such as mild headaches, nausea and cravings. This will usually pass in a few days once your body detoxifies and gets rid of the chemicals and toxins associated with processed foods, soda and sugar

  • The Lazy Raw Foodist’s Guide
  • 192 Pages of Info and Support for the Raw Diet
  • Over 45 Easy Recipes…and more!
  • Includes a List of Ailments to Find Natural Remedies For

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