Sample Meals to Build Muscle

foodsGaining muscle over fat when you are strength training, resistance training or body building can be a challenge. Between heavy workouts, protein supplements, carbohydrate supplements, raging appetites and lack of time and sleep you may not know exactly where to turn to get the right nutrition.

Each of these factors has an impact on how much fat and muscle you develop and where. Researchers have identified a supplement mixture of carbohydrates and protein as the best refueling combination you can use within 30 minutes after a workout to repair muscle and replace glycogen stores. (1)

But, what meals are best to eat when you are trying to stay lean and build muscle before and after workouts?

Important concepts to remember are that you want to reduce your glycemic load of carbs before your workout and incorporate them immediately after a workout to reduce fat deposits. Eat about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight when you are lifting heavy. Include healthy fats so your body will burn fat and not sugar during the day. Eat six times per day to keep your body fueled.

The sample day of meals below is meant to give you ideas of what to cook or a structure in which to cook them. For instance, at lunch you can have some of last night’s leftover chicken breast as a sandwich, with rice or a new baked potato. This gives you the flexibility to eat new meals each day while still getting the proteins, fats and carbs you need to stay lean and gain muscle.


1 cup rolled oats uncooked

slivered almonds

pumpkin seeds

sunflower seeds

mixed with 1 – 2 tablespoons of peanut butter

drink at least 10 oz of water

Mid Morning:

Low fat yogurt

1 scoop of protein powder

1 cup milk


6-8 oz of meat protein (chicken, turkey, beef)

small potato or 2 slices Ezekiel 4:9 bread or brown rice

2 cups of green vegetable – broccoli, green beans, brussel sprouts etc. May be roasted, steamed or raw

Mid Afternoon:

3/4 cup cottage cheese

sliced peaches

toast + 1 tbsp peanut butter

After Workout

Carbohydrate and protein shake



Lean meat protein (chicken breast, turkey, fish beef)

1/2 cup cooked rice or 1 medium potato or quinoa

1 cup of green vegetables


(1) Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition: Effect of Carbohydrate-Protein Supplement Timing on Acute Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage

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