Transcendental Meditation

download (13)Transcendental meditation is described as a technique that is simple and effortless. Practiced for 15 to 20 minutes twice a day, individuals sit quietly and comfortably in a chair with their eyes closed appearing for all intents and purposes to be resting quietly. Proponents described this technique as easily learned by anyone and enjoyable to practice.

Individuals who practice transcendental meditation find that their benefits are immediate and increase over time. Individuals have reported experiences that are positive for mind, body and relationships and have been verified by many research studies that have been conducted at top medical schools and published in over 350 peer-reviewed scientific journals. Interestingly, transcendental meditation requires no belief system and is not grounded in any philosophy or religion. In fact, proponents believe that you can be thoroughly skeptical about the technique and it will still be fully effective.

The technique of transcendental meditation places an individual in a state where the mind easily and naturally arrives at the source of a settled state of mind. Proponents believe that this is the source of all creative processes and when practiced for 15 or 20 minutes in the morning and evening will increase an individual’s awareness and assist the person in experiencing a restful state of alertness.

As the body becomes deeply relaxed, the mind transcends all mental activity to experience the simplest form of awareness, thus the descriptive term transcendental meditation.images (24)

Proponents believe that transcendental consciousness, where transcendental meditation leads, develops an individual’s creative potential while relieving stress and fatigue. This experience is said to lighten creativity, orderliness and organizing power which ultimately results in increased effectiveness and success. Adequate amounts of research indicates that transcendental meditation techniques improve the overall health and well-being of those who practice it. Some studies also show that these individuals have warmer interpersonal relationships, less anxiety and improve self-esteem.

Originally developed over 40 years ago by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, this technique is taught at established alternative medicine centers of education throughout the world. The Maharishi believes that everything is possible through knowledge of natural law and natural law-based programs. He taught that to perpetuate life in accordance with natural law and create natural law-based problem free government in every country, governments with the ability to prevent problems through the use of transcendental meditation would naturally be better protected.

Transcendental meditation is not a religion or philosophy and requires no change in anyone’s lifestyle. Research funded through medical schools and by the National Institute of Health show that transcendental meditation is the most effective mind-body practice for reducing stress related diseases, such as hypertension, high cholesterol, stroke and atherosclerosis.

images (25)Although there are several different types of meditation techniques and processes, the transcendental meditation technique is unlike any other form. It is distinguished by the effortless way in which it is able to be inserted into any lifestyle and a profound effectiveness which follows. Transcendental meditation technique must be taught by certified teachers through a systematic course and personalized instruction. This ensures that everyone learns the technique, gets the maximum amount of benefit and learns it correctly the first time.

Not everyone who uses transcendental meditation is a satisfied customer. Although research shows that transcendental meditation will reduce stress and improve health of individuals who practice it, there are also scientific tests that show similar benefits are obtained by listening to soothing music or by performing basic relaxation exercises.

There have also been attempts to introduce transcendental meditation into the public school systems as late as 1995. Meditation in the classrooms, claimed by John Black (director of a transcendental meditation program) believed that the meditation should increase test scores, reduce teenage pregnancies, get rid of campuses of violence and drugs and diminish teenage burnout.

While it may be true that proponents really believe that transcendental meditation can do all these things there is not enough strong proof that it will accomplish these goals for the price. The crisis of stressed out people in the school systems will not be completely solved by introducing a program that can also be accomplished through the use of soothing music.

Individuals who are looking for ways to slow their lives down and improve their health may find that transcendental meditation is just their ticket. However, it should be cautioned that any time a person is given a mantra to repeat over and over while relaxing and opening their minds they are using New Age techniques which are not acceptable to all individuals.


Scientia: Independent Information on Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation for Women

The Independent: Trying Transcendental Meditation Not that Easy

The Transcendental Meditation Program

David Lynch Foundation

Maharishi University of Management: Transcendental Meditation

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