Vitamin X

lemonlimeorangeBelieve it or not, vitamins which are so popular today were otherwise not known up to 25 years ago.  They had not been isolated in the lab, they could not be seen or weighed and they were essentially unknown.  Today almost everybody knows about vitamins and much has been written about the different types of vitamins necessary for the overall optimal health of individuals and animals.  Vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K are some of the major components which helps the body to manufacture the appropriate enzymes and proteins for optimal health.

The three major vitamins-vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin C must all be present in any diet.  Interestingly, vitamins only came to light when it was found that diets which were thought to be “balanced” did not provide the proper nutrition, and even in some cases brought on certain deficiencies such as scurvy and beriberi.

Up until 20 years ago, there were no good units of measure for vitamins and no adequate way of determining the best methodology of manufacturing and delivering vitamin supplements.

Today, researchers have found another vitamin-vitamin X. Doing research on rat populations researchers fed female rats a standard synthetic diet containing multivitamins on which these rats became very fat, sleek and appeared to be healthy.  However, almost every single one of them were also sterile.

images-14After adding in green lettuce to the meals each of these sterile rats was able to produce litters.  Researchers isolated a substance also found in whole wheat grain, egg yolk, and beef liver but not in milk.  The absence of this substance affected the reproductive abilities of both male and female rats.

Researchers were able to extract the substance from wheat embryo with ethyl alcohol and ether.  Giving these rats a daily dose of 100 mg of the resulting oil cured the sterility of the rats.  Researchers are unable to determine whether this data can be applied to other animals, including humans.  However, it is important to note that much of human nutrition and physiology was first learned through experimentation on rats.

Although this particular substance has only been recently found, previously doctors classified exercise as that elusive substance “vitamin X” which is necessary to fight disease, improve mood, manage weight, promote better sleep and strengthen heart and lungs.

Exercise also aids with the elimination of toxins that build up in the body and helps to burn fat which stores the toxins.  Exercise is also helpful to the lymphatic system to pump more optimally and remove harmful waste products that can then be expelled by the body.

It seems as though whether you are referring to that elusive substance found to cure sterility in rats or exercise required for optimal health in all animals, vitamin X is something that’s required.  It is not unreasonable to assume that we have not yet discovered all of the vitamins, minerals and enzymes necessary to produce optimal health in these wonderfully complex bodies which we inhabit.

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