Massage therapy has been known to help promote healing in a variety of health related problems. First and foremost, it gives its receiver a wonderfully relaxing feeling and has been known to decrease the stress in your body. This is accomplished by the massage being given over the trigger points of the body. This massage over these trigger points relaxes the muscles.
In addition to relieving stress, massage therapy helps digestion, improves circulation, helps with migraine headaches, and people who have difficulty sleeping. Circulation is helped by nerve stimulation and the relaxation of the blood vessels that may be constricted. It encourages oxygen and nutrient delivery to the body’s cells. A massage can help your body in the release of natural painkillers, as well as create a boost in the immune system itself. Massage therapy can help the lymphatic system by stimulating it and carrying away the waste products of the body.
Massage therapy has helped in numerous other conditions that may plague the body. Massage therapy can help to lessen the withdrawal symptoms that plague those that are attempting to quit smoking. Massage therapy was studied in people who have undergone different types of pain symptoms. Those that suffered from pain in labor, as well as various health problems reported less pain. Babies that are born prematurely responded well and thrived when touch was incorporated into their lives.
Touch is an amazing thing. Through massage therapy blood glucose levels, high blood pressure, cancer victims, alcoholics, and immune systems have all shown improvement. Due to the good feelings through the use of touch, massage therapy can make one feel loved, cared for and give a person a feeling of well-being and increase self-esteem. It has even been noted that children and adults who are disabled respond well and in a positive manner regarding themselves through massage therapy.
Additionally, massage therapy can help by improving your posture, encouraging a deeper breathing pattern, making your joints more flexible, improving your skin tone, increasing your creativity by helping with mental alertness and freeing the mind and helping to calm you in more ways than one. Basically, it just feels good to be touched and it is something that everyone needs.
Massage therapy for your health is something of a treat, as it can be costly to the average person. In certain health instances it may be covered by your health insurance. Your physician would best be able to advise you on this if he or she feels that a massage would be beneficial to your health.
In most instances, massage therapy is perfectly safe. It is, however, always suggested that you consult with your physician prior to obtaining a massage if you have specific medical conditions that could be impacted by muscle or ligament manipulation. This is a safety precaution, but recommended.
University of Minnesota: how Can Massage Help my Health and Wellbeing?
American Cancer Society: Massage
Cleveland Clinic: Massage Therapy
Spine Health: Can Massage Help Your Back Problems
Arthritis Foundation: Benefits of Massage
MayoClinic: Stress Management
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