Dual Action Cleanse

imagesDual Action Cleanse is a colon cleansing option that theoretically helps to cleanse the intestines from the toxins and parasites that inhabit our environment.  The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) believes that the air quality in our home is significantly more dangerous than the air found outside or in our offices. The foods we eat that are highly processed also come with more chemicals and toxins.  The chemicals you use to clean the house also are absorbed through your skin. These toxins find their way into our body and tissues, stored in fat cells and the intestines.

One theory is that many Americans are carrying around an excess of fecal matter in the digestive tract.  This surplus of stool will weigh you down, make you feel bloated and could cause some health problems.  However, the likelihood that there is that much stool stored in the intestines, that isn’t evacuated, and doesn’t cause a blockage of the intestines, is very small.  This is because the intestines are expert at evacuating the stool.  Any stool that remains in the intestines and is ‘stored’ there would block the movement of the stool coming from above and result in a complete blockage of the intestines and a medical emergency.

images (3)Most Americans eat a Standard Western Diet that consists of a large amount of protein and meat, processed foods and carbohydrates, while low in fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.  This type of diet will slow the process of digestion and keep the stool fermenting in the intestines longer than it should.  This reduction in essential fiber slows the digestive process, as does the increased hormones and pesticides used in farming and animal husbandry.  

Dual Action Cleanse is reported to be an all-natural herbal formula that is a two part system.  It was supposedly developed to maximize elimination without causing loose stools or uncomfortable cramping.  The two part system consists of a total body purifier and colon clear formula.  The Total Body Purifier is supposed to support the body to keep you toxin free and the Colon Clear Formula is used to unclog the colon to stay clean and toxin free.

The real problem with these claims is that they are very difficult to evaluate at home.  The formulation was developed by Klee Irwin, who has previously marketed dietary supplements under different company names and received FDA warnings related to claims to other products.

images (4)The rationale behind the use of the product is based on an outdated notion that toxins are formed in the intestines when the stool isn’t fully evacuated.  But, direct observation during surgery and on autopsy doesn’t bear out the urban legend that individuals can carry between 5 and 25 pounds of stool in the intestines that are stuck to the wall of the intestines.  Proponents believe that this stool blocks the absorption of nutrients, calories, vitamins and minerals (which should lead to weight loss) and the build of toxins that are then absorbed into the system.

Another claim by Dual Action Cleanse is that it assists in cleansing the vital organs and lymphatic system.  The ingredients in the product, while softening the stool and making evacuation easier, does not cleanse vital organs and lymphatics outside the intestinal walls.  And, there is no herbal or manufactured product that will “support all body organs”.

Unfortunately, Dual Action Cleanse has placed a significant negative impact on the entire detoxification process.  Because of the dubious claims and poor results, many people may be turned off from benefits of doing a colon cleanse to begin a healthier diet process.  After a colon cleanse it is important to change your diet to include more natural raw fruits and vegetables which will help to improve your overall health and well being.

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