Who Uses EFT- Part 2

download (3)Individuals involved in personal development have discovered that EFT help to encourage an individual along a path that leads to the successful completion of their goals. For instance, someone who is interested in losing weight will find that EFT unblock the underlying reasons why they are sabotaging their own behavior and allow them to successfully lose the weight they choose.

But, practitioners have found that EFT are useful in not only helping individuals to change behaviors, such as anger management, relationship issues, weight loss or eating disorders, but they also have significant impact on others stress related illnesses and conditions. For instance, individuals who suffer from allergy reactions, insomnia, dyslexia, multiple chemical sensitivities, sports performance issues, addictions, depression and pain management can all find relief and benefits in the addition of EFT to their daily regimen.

There are a large number of impressive case studies which have shown improvements in a wide variety of issues that include personal performance, such as job interviews or public speaking, physical issues such as allergies, migraines or fatigue and emotional challenges such as panic attacks, addictions, obsessions and poor grades. The use of EFT is so global and far-reaching because the underlying issue which it addresses, the reduction of stress and negative emotions, is also so overwhelming.

The number and types of individuals who can benefit from the use of EFT is only limited by the number of individuals who are willing to try. This really may be one of the few things that everyone can benefit from if everyone would want to try. And this is only because everyone is already affected by a large degree or amount of stress and negative emotion, all a part of the normal human condition.


(1) University of Maryland Medical Center: Stress and Anxiety


(2) American Cancer Society: Depression Increases Cancer Pateint’s Risk of Dying


(3) Carnegie Mellon University: Stress Contributes to a Range of Chronic Diseases


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