Clenbuterol for Weight Loss

images (8)You are on a mission.  You have decided to lose weight, this month; or it’s the annual honorary New Year’s Resolution.  Either way  you turn to the Internet to find the latest and greatest information on how science can achieve weight loss in a pill.  And you find Clenbuterol.  It feels right.  It has amazing properties.  And then you read further.

Clenbuterol is a prescription drug that is used, legally, in veterinarian practices to treat horses and other livestock.  It is a smooth muscle relaxant and therefore works as a bronchodilator, which means it relieves the bronchospasms associated with asthma and other lower respiratory illnesses.

Clenbuterol, or Clen, comes in salt form called Clenbuterol Hydrochloride and has been mistaken for a steroid because of the illegal use in athletes.  It has properties that are similar to ephedrine but the effects are usually faster and longer lasting.  Clenbuterol, when used in humans for weight loss, causes an increased aerobic capacity but is also a central nervous system stimulant and can increase blood pressure.

Because of the reported increase in lean muscle mass and the significant health risks it has been banned for all athletes that are tested by the IOC (International Olympic Committee).

images (10)After becoming popular in the farming community because Clenbuterol increases the lean muscle tissue in animals, it became popular with athletes and others who are interested in a quick way to increase lean tissue and decrease fat stores.  Body builders seek out Clenbuterol for weight loss and to increase their “cut” look before competitions.

Clenbuterol has a mild anabolic effect on the body and a fat burning capacity that can result in weight loss but also can increase lean mass and results in a more muscled body.  But weight loss and a lean chiseled body doesn’t come naturally from a pill.  There are consequences.

Clenbuterol carries with it significant health risks and side effects.  Because it is a sympathetic nervous system stimulant side effects can include insomnia, heart problems, hand tremors, moderate to severe headaches, muscle spasms and elevated blood pressure.

Some of the side effects can be temporary but others lead to further risk to the health with increased used, including stroke from the increased blood pressure.

In the fashion industry designers are insisting on models who are size zero and smaller to show their clothing line.  Desperate for work, the limelight and the stage, actresses and models are looking for a fast and quick way to get and stay slim.  Some are willing to trade their health.  It appears that you can never be too thin.  An unfortunate fall out from the industry is that young teens also believe that to be thin is to be happy.  And because teenagers also believe themselves to be invincible, without fear of health risks or consequences, Clenbuterol can be a popular choice.

Because of the side effects and risks to a person’s health Clenbuterol for weight loss is not approved for use in people and was withdrawn for use as a bronchodilator in adults.  Currently it is approved only for use in respiratory illnesses in horses.


Wikipedia: Clenbuterol

Drug Enforcement Administration: Clenbuterol

Examine: Clenbuterol

World Anti-Doping Agency: WADA Statement on Clenbuterol

PubChem: Clenbuterol

Journal of Toxicology: Clenbuterol ingestion causing prolonged tachycardia, hypokalemia and hypophospatemia with confirmation by quantitative levels Clenbuterol

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