How Do You Find Your Motivation?

images (5)How do you find your motivation and why should you worry about it in the first place?  Why spend hours of your already scarce time worrying and learning about the subject of motivation and how it will work for you?

Believe it or not you’ll be faced with setbacks and short-term failures – because everyone is.  Everyone who faces a challenge of some sort will also face setbacks and failures.  It is the nature of the world.  Successful people don’t become successful overnight and they don’t get to the top without experiencing some failure.  It isn’t if you’ll fail but how you’ll react to the situation and how you’ll get up.

When you stumble you’ll need to figure out how to find your motivation.  Only after finding your motivation will you be able to continue toward your success.

One technique is to find what motivates you.  Do you know what makes you happy or what will motivate you to move faster, harder, higher and stronger?

Are you goal oriented, relationship oriented or learning oriented?  When you think about what moves you or makes you feel all ‘warm and fuzzy’ inside is it because you’ve accomplished your goal, built a stronger relationship or have learned something new?

images (7)Motivation is the driving force from within you.  Only you can answer the question how do you find your motivation?  Your motivation can come from an external force – maybe you thrive on structure and love having your day organized and structured.  Or maybe you thrive on building strong relationships with friends and co-workers.

Motivational styles vary from person to person and in each person for individual situations.  The most important thing is to figure out which is your primary motivational style so you are able continue to use it to your advantage.

If you are primarily goal oriented you’ll find that you prefer the direct route to a goal.  You aren’t excited by the learning but by the completion of the task.  When you have a question you ask an expert or go directly to the source.  

By contrast people who are motivated by relationships you enjoy meeting and learning from others.  You crave the interactivity you get with others and working independently isn’t motivating.

images (6)Learning oriented people love the act of learning.  They may get motivated by learning the different weight loss plans, how weight loss happens and how to structure their eating habits to gain success.  

Relationship oriented people want to lose weight with others and gain from their support and goal oriented people may get on the scale every other day, chart their results and take measurements to confirm their results.

How do you find your motivation when your life is hectic and there isn’t time to make dinner much less take time for yourself?  You must understand that finding your motivation and feeding it is important to the rate of your success.  Successful people know what drives them and they feed it daily.

So if you are relationship motivated make sure that you are in touch with your friends.  Are you driven by attaining your goals?  Then write a list of what you want to accomplish and tick them off as you go.  If learning keeps your motor running then make sure that you are challenged each day and don’t sit in front of the TV watching the newest sitcom.

Find your motivation, learn it and stick with it.  It will keep you moving toward your goal.


ZenHabits: Get Off Your Butt

Fitness Magazine: 7 Habits of Highly Motivated Exercisers

Forbes: How the most successful people motivate themselves

Sources of Insight: Find your Drive – The Keys to Motivation

Startup Bros: Killing the 7 Motivation Murderers

Oprah: What’s Your Real Motivation

Productive Flourishing: How to Recover from 10 Types of Demotivation


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